With Professional Excellence
Key Trial Questions for any Personal Injury Claimants

Testifying at your personal injury trial can be scary. Even if you remember exactly what happened, getting up on the stand and talking about it to the jury is intimidating to many people. Your Boca Raton personal injury lawyer will help you beforehand by going over the questions that he or she will ask you as well as what subjects the defense attorney will probably ask about.
Effects of Injury
The most important aspect of a personal injury case is how the injury has affected your life. Be prepared to answer questions about:
- The amount of physical pain you are in
- Mental anguish you have experienced
- Changes to your appearance or disfigurement
- Difficulty with walking or maintaining posture
- Performing body movements
- Performing job duties
- Engaging in social activities such as clubs, dancing, church, etc.
- Engaging in past hobbies
Talk About Change
Describing how your life is now is not that useful without something to compare it to. Your Boca Raton personal injury attorney might ask you to describe what is different about your activities and body movements today as opposed to before your injury.
Effects on Home Life
It might help to talk about things that you previously did around the house but are no longer able to because of your injury. Examples are:
- Cooking for the family
- House maintenance and repair work
- Gardening and yard work
- Cleaning
- Driving
- Laundry
- Caring for the children
Loss of Consortium
Personal injury claimants are particularly sympathetic if they can demonstrate that these aspects of their marriage have been negatively impacted by the injury:
- Emotional support
- Affection
- Companionship
- Comfort
- Sexual relations
Think About the Future
You might be asked what the doctors have told you about your prognosis and how you can expect to recover from your injuries. You might feel afraid that your condition will worsen or that you will suffer future injuries. These fears can be emotionally crippling. Try to keep a hopeful attitude given what your doctors have told you.
For more information on what you can expect at the personal injury trial, call Boca Raton personal injury lawyer Jessica Mishali at (561) 833-2772.