With Professional Excellence
No-Fault Insurance & Uninsured Motorists

Most states including Florida require motorists to carry liability insurance. However, a significant number of individuals drive with little or no insurance protection. The current economic downturn is no doubt partially to blame for this problem—and a problem it is. If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, it may be difficult to recover compensation for your loss without help. This, in itself, is compelling reason to turn to Boca Raton car accident lawyer Jessica Mishali.
The Frightening Statistics
According to the Independent Study Council, about one in six motorists nationally are not insured at all. An additional number are insured only at minimal levels which may not be enough to cover the actual medical costs of a car crash victim. For the State of Florida, the statistics are even more disturbing: fully 23% of the 15 million licensed drivers here are uninsured. This places Florida as 5th in the nation.
Florida No-Fault and the Uninsured Motorist
As you may know, Florida is a no-fault insurance state. A driver is required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in injury protection for himself and his property; additionally, the policy must provide for $10,000 in property damage to the other driver’s vehicle. The problem for an accident victim is that this coverage does not extend to his injuries. In essence, it is often the case that a victim must either draw upon his own insurance or seek compensation directly from the other driver.
Boca Raton car accident lawyer Jessica Mishali will first look to your policy to determine whether your coverage is sufficient for your medical costs and other damages. He will then seek alternative means of gaining compensation, including assets owned by the individual who caused the accident. This often requires a lawsuit. Unfortunately, litigation is expensive and time-consuming, so it will then be necessary to determine whether the cost of going to trial will be sufficiently offset by the potential recovery.
What You can do as Explained by a Boca Raton Car Accident Lawyer
As you can see, an uninsured motorist can cause serious financial difficulties for a victim of an accident he causes. While you may be able to gain compensation, there is a proactive measure you can take, and that is to purchase uninsured and underinsured motorist protection. You may also simply buy additional coverage. A good rule of thumb is to carry the same amount of liability insurance as you have on your house.
Boca Raton car accident lawyer Jessica Mishali has been assisting clients with auto accident claims for nearly four decades. If you are injured in an accident involving an uninsured motorist, or have another personal injury matter for which you need legal assistance, call us for a consultation at (561) 833-2772.