With Professional Excellence
Soft-Tissue Injuries in Automobile Accidents

Among the most common types of auto accident injuries are those involving the soft tissues of the neck and back. Unfortunately, soft tissue injuries are also among the most difficult to diagnose, and therefore are widely disputed in injury claims. However, the good news is that if you have a soft tissue injury such as whiplash that has diminished your ability to function in daily activities, Boca Raton injury lawyer Jessica Mishali may be able to help.
Soft Tissue Injuries Defined by a Boca Raton Injury Lawyer
Soft tissues are those that tend to have a degree of flexibility and stretch, such as ligaments, muscles, and tendons. However, when these are stretched too far they can become damaged.
Inflammation develops, which often causes swelling and considerable pain.
Among the common types of soft tissue injuries are tears, sprains, strains, and pain and soreness. Stiffness in the damaged area is very common as well, which causes mobility problems and renders the victim unable to work. The loss of wages and medical expenses are among those items for which Boca Raton injury lawyer Jessica Mishali will work to help you gain compensation.
One of the most common soft tissue injuries is whiplash. This injury most often occurs in rear-end collision automobile accidents. Soft tissue injuries generally stem from a sudden, significant jolt to the body; in the case of whiplash, the force of the collision causes the victim’s head to snap forward, and as the force diminishes, to snap back again.
Common symptoms of whiplash include neck pain and stiffness; dizziness; pain in the shoulders and back; headache; and a burning sensation in the affected area. In some cases memory loss, fatigue, and even depression occur as well.
Why Soft Tissue Injuries are Often Disputed
A number of factors contribute to these injuries being controversial. For one, the kinds of auto accidents in which soft tissue injuries most often occur are low speed impact collisions. The injuries are not always apparent until hours, or even days after the accident. Therefore, a victim may tell the officer at the scene of the accident that he is fine, but later realize this is not the case at all.
Insurance companies become suspicious of such individuals, believing that their injury is dubious at best, and is based merely on a desire for monetary gain. Such suspicions are exacerbated by the fact that soft tissue injuries are, indeed, among the most widely feigned. Why this is the case lies in the fact that these injuries are very difficult to diagnose with conventional medical procedures such as X-rays. However, a skilled physician should be able to determine the validity of such an injury, and his report should weigh strongly in court. Nevertheless, you may find that you and Boca Raton injury lawyer Jessica Mishali will have to fight vigorously with the insurance company to accept your claim.
We can Help
If you suffer a soft tissue or other injury in an automobile accident caused by the negligence of someone else, you may be able to gain compensation. Call the Law Offices of Boca Raton injury lawyer Jessica Mishali for a consultation today at (561) 833-2772.