With Professional Excellence
After My Injury, What is the Most Crucial Thing for Me to do?
Your personal injury attorney in Boca Raton will advise you that, quite simply, recovering from your injury is the most important thing to do. Injured people are required by law to “mitigate their damages,” which means that you must to do what is necessary to recover from your injury and improve your physical condition.

Depending on your individual case, your Boca Raton personal injury attorney may advise you to take the following steps:
- Keep All Appointments with Your Doctor. Keep in contact with your physician and attend every appointment. Notify your doctor as soon as possible if you need to cancel an appointment. When it comes time for settlement or trial, the words “no show” on a physician’s records can be used against you.
- Keep All Physical Therapy Appointments. Physical therapy sessions may be prescribed by your doctor or hospital to facilitate recovery from your injury, especially if your injury is a type of strain, sprain, or other “soft tissue” injury. If therapy is prescribed, attend all sessions and actively participate. Again, notify your therapist if you must cancel a session, but try to avoid this at all costs.
- Follow Your Physician’s Directions. If medication, activity limitations, or therapy exercises are prescribed by your doctor, do what he says. A personal injury attorney in Boca Raton will tell you that ignoring or neglecting to follow your physician’s advice may be used to your detriment if your case proceeds to litigation or when it comes to settlement.
- Comply with Your Physician’s Advice in Regard to Leisure and Work Activities. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice when he or she requests such things as staying home from work, getting rest, or staying away from certain activities. If you participate in off-limits activities, you will not only slow your recovery but may also negatively affect the legal aspects of your case. Even though staying home from work may have a financial impact, for the sake of your recovery, it is crucial you follow directions. Your Boca Raton personal injury attorney will make every effort to recover the lost earnings you incur.
If you have been injured and would like to discuss your case with an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney in Boca Raton, please call Attorney Jessica Mishali at (561) 833-2772.