With Professional Excellence
Injuries and Infections – Swimming Pools

One may assume that a pool at a friend’s house or in a public place is maintained properly. However, this is not always the case. Dirty pools cause a plethora of problems for swimmers, from bacterial infections to injuries. If you fall ill or are hurt in a swimming pool because of another’s negligence, Boca Raton personal injury attorney Jessica Mishali may be able to help.
Murky Pools
One would intuit that jumping into a pool that is cloudy or murky is not wise. However, eager swimmers often do just that. Pools in apartment common areas and at motels are notorious for being filthy in the extreme. To be fair, an unsuspecting victim may decide to swim at night, and if the pool is not lighted properly, be unaware of what he is diving into. Moreover, a child may not understand the danger of a dirty pool. A large percentage of pool injuries and drownings, indeed, involve young children who are unattended.
Improper Maintenance
Pools need to be brushed and vacuumed regularly. If a person sees tell-tale brown or green stains on the sides or bottom, he should not enter the water. But a seemingly clean pool may not be safe, either. Chemicals, including chlorine and acid, must be maintained at a certain level. The pool should be tested daily to ensure that these chemicals remain balanced, especially in summer, when the heat can cause chemicals to evaporate quickly.
Swimmers should use their senses as a first indicator that the pool water is not healthy. Cloudy water usually means that the chemicals have dissipated; bacteria will multiply rapidly in such an environment. If an odor is present, this often means that the chorine has diminished and is no longer able to capture bacteria; a by-product called choramine produces this odor when mixed with nitrogen and ammonia—chemicals found in human perspiration and urine.
Pursuing a Claim
An individual who becomes ill or develops a skin or other infection, and believes that dirty pool water is the cause, should consult with Boca Raton personal injury attorney Jessica Mishali. The first step in a claim will be to gather evidence about the maintenance of the pool. If witnesses, such as other motel guests, can be located, they may be interviewed. Mr. Press will need a copy of your medical report, and if you are unable to work because of your illness/injury, get information about your wages, such as tax returns and paycheck stubs. He will then seek a source for compensation, such as an insurance policy.
Call for Assistance
If you become ill in a swimming pool or suffer an injury, it is important to have legal representation. Boca Raton personal injury attorney Jessica Mishali has nearly four decades of experience helping clients gain compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and more. Call for a consultation at (561) 833-2772.